On June 23, 2008, I posted an article called, “The Answer, My Friend?” Its focus was wind energy as an alternative to mountain top removal mining. Obviously, the title winks and tips its hat to Dylan; but it also paved the way for today’s post, “The Questions, My Friend?”
Ken Ward writes in the Gazette today about the coal forum event engaging wind energy advocates and the coal industry: “Dueling campaigns like the Coal Forum and the Coal River Wind Project offer competing views not just of the answers to the nation's energy problems, but conflicting ideas of what the questions themselves should be.”
Ward is right on the money. Continued wrangling about the same old questions is intellectually and practically bankrupt. New frameworks and fresh questions are necessary to propel West Virginians and the nation into the kind of innovation and problem solving necessary in the face of the 21st century crucible of energy, environment, and economy.
Is it time to get serious about reforming the coal industry, or is it time to get serious about abandoning it for alternatives? Or neither? What are the short and long term consequences of the many different directions available to us? Create West Virginia is committed to bringing open, honest dialogue to bear on these questions. That is the dynamic we want to strike at the annual conference in October (see www.createwv.com for registration). There will be a special breakout session on these questions and more, featuring top representatives of both the coal industry and of alternative energy.
It is going to take all of us to establish the right questions, and then to answer them with integrity and vision. We hope you will come to conference ready to help rebuild the conversation about West Virginia’s future in these areas. Please also post your thoughts here!
Posted by: Elizabeth Damewood Gaucher
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