This year Arts Advocacy of West Virginia conducted its first
candidate survey with very positive results.
The survey was designed to increase awareness of the arts as a
legislative issue and to place major issues confronting the arts industry in
the front of candidates’ minds.
A resounding 93.5% responded that they believed that
the arts were a major component of economic development and should be included
in all state development initiatives.
When asked if they would support policies to increase accountability for
school standards in the arts, 58.7% said they would enthusiastically support
and 37% said they would support such policies with 4.3% being neutral and none
opposed. Ninety-three percent of
candidates were willing to enthusiastically support or support increased
funding for the arts with none opposed.
It also appears that the candidates were active in participating in the arts themselves by showing attendance at events as follows:
100% - Music
89.1% - Theater
58.7% - Visual Arts
32.6% - Literary Arts
28.3% - DanceThe survey also asked candidates if they would be interested in serving on an Arts Caucus and 75% responded yes and 25% either asked for more information or did not know. Arts Advocacy was very pleased with the results of its first survey and plans to use this data in its work throughout the coming year.