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    « 4C Region Getting Serious About Creative Communities | Main | We Are...A Creative Community! »

    May 04, 2008


    Elizabeth Damewood Gaucher

    Thank you for articulating this so well, and for putting it "out there" despite the complex dynamics that can lead to misunderstanding. We need to develop the self-confidence that allows everyone who lives here to feel free to work, study, and travel in other places in the world without equating those experiences with being disloyal to our wonderful state. On the contrary, I think without a commitment to go beyond our old boundaries -- whether that means pushing ourselves to new levels of education or of geographic exploration that allow us to bring innovative best practices and new knowledge home -- we cannot truly claim to love our state.

    Kevin DiGregorio

    Good stuff as always. I think there’s also a cultural bias in WV not only against academic attainment, but also against wealth attainment. One of our problems is that we are against anyone making a high salary. We need to change that culture so that we applaud high salaries and strive to achieve them. And I’m not saying we should be in favor of a $5M salary for a CEO whose company loses money every year, but should be in favor of paying $90,000 or $150,000 or $200,000 for quality engineers, leaders, business folks, and other wealth creaters and creatives.

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